Report TRUE if the agents is of the class tested, report FALSE otherwise.

isNLclass(agents, class)

# S4 method for matrix,character
isNLclass(agents, class)



Matrix (ncol = 2) with the first column pxcor and the second column pycor representing the patches coordinates, or

          `AgentMatrix` object representing the moving `agents`.


Character. Can take one of the following options to define the class: "agent", "agentset", "patch", "patchset". "turtle" or "turtleset".


Logical. TRUE if agents is of the class tested.


Careful! The class tested does not correspond to actual R classes.

     `agents` is `"patch"` if it is a matrix (`ncol` = 2) with the

     first column `pxcor` and the second column `pycor` with only

     one row. `agents` is `"patcheset"` if the matrix has more than

     one row.

     `agents` is `"turtle"` if it is an `agentMatrix`

     containing only one `turtle`.

     `agents` is `"turtleset"` if the

     `agentMatrix` contains more than one `turtle`.

     `agents` is `"agent"` if it is either `"patch"` or

     `"turtle"`. `agents` is `"agentset"` if it is either

     `"patcheset"` or `"turtleset"`.


Wilensky, U. 1999. NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University. Evanston, IL.


Sarah Bauduin


w1 <- createWorld(minPxcor = 0, maxPxcor = 4, minPycor = 0, maxPycor = 4)
t1 <- createTurtles(
  n = 10, coords = randomXYcor(w1, n = 10),
  heading = sample(1:3, size = 10, replace = TRUE)
isNLclass(agents = patches(w1), class = "patch")
#> [1] FALSE
isNLclass(agents = patches(w1), class = "patcheset")
#> [1] FALSE
isNLclass(agents = t1, class = "agentset")
#> [1] TRUE
isNLclass(agents = t1, class = "turtleset")
#> [1] TRUE