Report the coordinates of the patches at the given distances of the turtles and given angle right of their headings.

patchRight(world, turtles, dist, angle, torus = FALSE)

# S4 method for worldNLR,agentMatrix,numeric,numeric
patchRight(world, turtles, dist, angle, torus = FALSE)



WorldMatrix or worldArray object.


AgentMatrix object representing the moving agents.


Numeric. Vector of distances from the turtles. dist must be of length 1 or of length turtles.


Numeric. Vector of angles in degrees by which the turtle's headings should rotate to locate the patches. Must be of length 1 or of length turtles.


Logical to determine if the world is wrapped. Default is torus = FALSE.


Matrix (ncol = 2) with the first column pxcor and the second column pycor representing the coordinates of the patches at dist

distances of the turtles and angle to the right of their headings. The order of the patches follows the order of the turtles.


If a given dist value is negative, then the turtle would look backward. If a given angle value is negative, then the turtle would look to the left.

     If `torus = FALSE` and the `patch` at distance `dist` of a `turtle`

     and `angle` degrees to the right of its `heading` is outside the

     `world`'s extent, `NA`

     are returned for the `patch` coordinates. If `torus = TRUE`, the `patch`

     coordinates from a wrapped `world` are returned.


Wilensky, U. 1999. NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University. Evanston, IL.


Sarah Bauduin


w1 <- createWorld(minPxcor = 0, maxPxcor = 9, minPycor = 0, maxPycor = 9)
t1 <- createTurtles(n = 1, coords = cbind(xcor = 2, ycor = 2), heading = 90)
patchRight(world = w1, turtles = t1, dist = 2, angle = 90)
#>      pxcor pycor
#> [1,]     2     0